Brown Rugs

Brown Persian Rugs

For Persian rugs that are steeped in tradition and history, a Brown Persian and Oriental Rugs is an excellent choice. The range of colors is dynamic, from the signature rust browns found on Heriz rugs to the darker brown coffee colors used on Bakhtyari rugs as a part of their design. The color often supports the use of other more striking dyes, as is the case with the Heriz rugs that also incorporate blacks, greens, peaches, pinks and beiges. These rugs, with their deep earthen hues, help to add a sense of natural calm to each room they're in.

Approachable and Compatible colors for Oriental rugs

One of the benefits of decorating with brown Persian rugs is that the color brown is itself composed of the three primary colors – red, yellow, and blue. This gives it an approachability and compatibility that other brighter colors may not have, allowing these rugs to play more of a support role in your room as it makes lighter colors seem even more lively by comparison. These brown Persian rugs pair equally well with lighter, ivory-colored pieces and walls as they do with natural woods and earthy tones, each given your room a dynamic way to use a rug that’s provided beauty for centuries.

List of Persian Rug Colors:




